Damian Nowak is a CEO at Virtkick. He's a Ruby coder, an Arch Linux hacker, and drinks good beer.

I'm building VirtKickNovember 2014

Long time no write. It’s been quite a long. Much happened in the meantime. Long story short, today I’ve got two kiddos, and awaiting a third one. And in the tech field, I completely abandoned Java for Ruby. I was mainly building apps that manage servers somehow - from HTTP, through DNS to virtualization. This all leads to where I’m today.

VirtKick simplifies creating, managing, hosting and providing virtual servers. It’s a self-hosted cloud panel, similar to DigitalOcean. It’s free to use by anyone, and code is on GitHub. I’m building it together with the team.

Curious to see VirtKick in action? Check out hosted alpha or give it a whirl on your Linux desktop. And if you like what we’re doing, spread the word and support our crowdfunding campaign.

Damian Nowak
CEO & Ruby Developer